Monday 29 April 2019

Mysteries of the Art World

Surrounded by beauty as well as controversy, the world of art is full of many a splendor, and many a mystery. Though some small enigmatic details of a portrait or sculpture may be too minute to pick up or even deemed insignificant, some art related riddles have kept the world talking for a considerable time. Here are three mysteries that have baffled the art world for years.

The Mona Lisa. One of the best known paintings in the world, Da Vinci’s masterpiece has long since baffled art historians throughout the years. Shrouded in numerous enigmas ranging from its background to the Mona Lisa’s enigmatic smile, not to mention her actual identity, many people are unaware of the fact that the famous painting hanging in The Louvre is only one of multiple copies, only deepening the mystery!

Michelangelo's David. Although often touted as a perfect representation of human physique, David is in fact an atypical example of Michelangelo’s work due to the proportions of David’s unusually large head and hands, particularly visible in the right hand. Historians have debated for years as to whether or not David’s large right hand was in fact intended to hold a weapon, as biblical texts may suggest.

Banksy. Perhaps one of the biggest mysteries in the modern world of art is the identity of Banksy, who despite creating art since the 1990s and working on several very high profile projects has managed to keep his or her identity a total secret. Still active today, Banksy continues to attract the spotlight all while avoiding its exposure.

Looking for more mystery? Check out the wide variety of reads and more at

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